It is our responsibility as animal parents to take great care in what we give our animals to ingest or apply topically. This is not limited to holistic remedies, this also includes human medications such as pain-killers. These types of medications can kill your animal as they cannot break them down as we can. Remember, cats and dogs are NOT humans, they are physiologically built differently than we are. All the more reason for us to always do our research before doing or giving anything to an animal you don’t know anything about, or even feeling unsure can pose a risk. Take the time and inform yourself on what is and isn’t safe for your animal.
Selecting Quality Herbs
When we choose herbs for our animals it is extremely important that we choose high-quality grade herbs. They must be human/food grade and purchased through a herbal supplier who serves herbalists. This way you are guaranteed that you’re giving your animal a top quality product. Look for companies that are open about their quality control, has a lot of information about their suppliers and herbs. You do not want to purchase herbs from online shops that either sell them for a lower price or even free shipping! You will not get the same quality and you don’t know the quality, purity (uncut) or potency of their herbs. Adulteration of herbs is common with cheaper plants being used as bulking agents. You do not want to risk your animal’s health or life to save a buck or two.
Look out for websites that sell herbs in bulk with a long expiration on them. Remember that herbs shouldn’t sit around for years and years. The exposure to light and air, degrading begins, decreasing the potency of the herb.
Your best bet is to consult with a holistic veterinarian or holistic practitioner to direct you in the right direction. Personally I work a lot with Nature’s Sunshine herbs and they are second to none. If you feel you are in the dark and uncertain, herbalist have the expertise and wisdom to direct you to top quality herbal products for your animal.
Check out our blog on Animal Herbalism Safety
If you are interested holistic services from Maria for your animal feel free to learn more here.